“Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile.” - Pierre Coneille
Something worthwhile.
The more and more I think about this quote, the more and more it makes me smile. If there is one thing that I know God has been showing me so far this year - this would have to be it. It's not the money or the status that one has that will bring joy, but the fulfillment of doing something worthwhile. Something that aligns itself with the purpose that God has created you for, stirred on by the passions and desires that He's placed inside your heart. To be who God has created you to be. To do what you were destined to do. I'm still learning what these things are for me.. but as I have chosen to trust God and dig deeper into His presence and His word, going where He leads - the more I have begun to not only find Him, but myself.
That 'something worthwhile' will probably redefine itself in some shape or form as I continue to learn and grow. But for now I am loving doing something that matters to me. Something important. Something worthwhile.
So, while this post has been far from the profoundly in-depth essay that I was going to go for.. it's pretty much where I am at. The happiest I have been in a long time doing what I am doing. It's funny how things fall into place when you surrender the control to God. He is so good. This I know. Loving what He's doing in my life and in the lives of those I'm getting to come alongside. Good stuff :)
- Aimee